How to buy Solo ad

To buy a solo ad on Udimi, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Create an Account:
    • If you don’t have an account on Udimi, you’ll need to sign up.
  2. Search for Sellers:
    • Browse through the list of sellers on Udimi. You can filter them based on various criteria like niche, ratings, and more.
  3. Review Seller Profiles:
    • Click on the profiles of potential sellers to view their statistics, ratings, and reviews from other buyers. Pay attention to their performance and ensure they have positive feedback.
  4. Contact Sellers:
    • Use the Udimi messaging system to communicate with the sellers. Ask any questions you may have, and clarify details such as the size of the solo ad, the target audience, and the expected delivery time.
  5. Place an Order:
    • Once you’re satisfied with a seller, you can place an order. Follow the instructions provided on the platform to specify the details of your solo ad campaign, including the link you want to promote.
  6. Payment:
    • Complete the payment for your order through the Udimi platform. Udimi often uses a secure payment system to protect both buyers and sellers.
  7. Monitor Campaign Progress:
    • After your order is confirmed, you can monitor the progress of your solo ad campaign through your Udimi account. You should receive updates on the number of clicks and other relevant metrics.
  8. Leave Feedback:
    • Once the campaign is complete, leave feedback for the seller based on your experience. This helps other buyers make informed decisions.

Remember, these are general steps, and the specifics might vary slightly on the Udimi platform. Always refer to the platform’s guidelines and instructions for the most accurate information. If you have specific questions about Udimi, feel free to ask.